Behind the Scenes at OPG

Many factors combine to create strong and successful enterprises. Here at Open Professional Group (OPG), we are fortunate to have not only an impressively skilled technical team but also highly accomplished support teams working predominantly behind the scenes. These individuals bring their knowledge, skills, and experience to the table every day. Our Project Managers provide…

The Use of Statistics in It

There is a saying in the cybersecurity community, “know normal, find evil.” A phrase that embodies the question, if one doesn’t know how things should normally be, how will they find anything abnormal? As a System Administrator, we use the same concept when maintaining servers and securing websites. However, in our case, instead of only…

Does Your Business Really Need A Mobile App?

According to recent statistics, web and mobile users have been growing at a steady pace year over year and retail e-commerce revenue has been skyrocketing. The same statistics data also predicts that although the number of in-app mobile users will continue to grow, the number of mobile web users will stay stagnant or decline. Just…

Can Your Business Survive the Unexpected?

Is your company ready for the next pandemic or major unexpected event? They come in with a fury and change our world. As I reflect on the last 18 months, we see many businesses that have gone by the wayside, while others have thrived. I cannot help but ponder the question of “How could some…

Assurances Through Transitions

Accommodations for life as we knew it, even within our day to day lives it seems, keeps changing – if but only slightly so. During the COVID-19 pandemic, an area that has seen incredible growth is “digitization.” Everything from remote customer service, to the use of AI and machine learning to improve logistics, has had…

Process Automation Can Bring Order to Chaos

Reliable, repeatable outcomes are the cornerstone of building quality solutions for your customers. Most of the time you can muddle your way through a complex thing once. For example, most of us have attempted doing our own taxes at least once. It might even be an achievable goal that felt as though it saved you…

Virtual Workplaces Are Here To Stay

Happy New Year! I cannot recall a time when the hope brought with a new year was more welcomed. 2020 saw unprecedented changes to all aspects of our lives with the impact of Covid-19. One of these aspects was the influx of connecting virtually. Whether it was for school, work, or personal lives, most of…

Does Design matter during the software development process?

Designers publish articles regarding User Experience, or UX, almost daily. These publications typically provide topics involving the latest prototyping tools, detailed tutorials on design, and interesting discussions on today’s design trends. UX design becomes much more than a whiteboard, collection of post-it notes, and wireframes when it comes to a real product development process. To…

Are You Thinking Payment Gateway?

Are you wanting to move your business to the internet during these current times? Are you concerned about how you will accept payments and keep your customers’ information secure and prevent any possible liability you may have by storing any of this data? Payment gateways can be your best solution and provide secure methods of…