Reasons Why Project Management Matters

Whenever you embark on a new adventure, whether it be a vacation, a business trip, a home or work project, or even a routine trip to the grocery store, typically you have some type of planning involved. The booking of flights, itineraries, or even a simple shopping list is how we “Project Manage”. These plans…

So You’ve Been Hacked

It’s that moment we all dread, when you finally accept the fact that – yes – you’ve been hacked. In the time it takes you to read this blog, a dozen sites will be broken into. An attack occurs approximately every 39 seconds – that’s over 2,000 attacks per day. The hackers have two basic…

What is it that you do?

I often get asked, “So where are you working these days?” I always respond “I work for a Web and Mobile Application software development company that…..”, and unfortunately, most times, that’s the point where their eyes start to glaze over. The follow-up response everyone always gives is “So you guys just build websites.” Although true,…


Testing? Your website is up and running, but why test it you may ask? Testing is an important part of understanding your platform and making it work for you. Yes, everything may work as you expect, but whether it be a quick change or large overhaul there are always places to look to improve. Of…

What’s Your Cyber Attack Risk?

We’ve evolved into a world where everything is accessible from typing away a few keys on a keyboard or simply clicking an icon to load up what we’re looking for. With all of this information just fingertips away, cyber-security should be taken just as seriously as your health. Securing your information, your employees’ information, and…

The Importance of Customer Service

Do you ever recall hearing, when you were younger, the phrase “the customer is always right”? At that time, it more than likely stood for the employee at your local store and/or mall readily refunding your returned item. However, we have since progressed way beyond that point from a basic level of customer satisfaction to…