Eastern VetPath

Eastern VetPathCustom Built Veterinary Pathology Administrative Platform – 2022 Custom PHP Development & Advanced Data ModelingCustom Enterprise-Branded DesignAdvanced APIUI/UXBUSINESS GOALS Eastern VetPath (EVP) is owned and operated by ACVP board certified veterinary pathologists and provides thorough pathology reports to the veterinary clinics in northern VA/Southern MD/DC area. EVP approached OPG with a request to assist…


ORTHOWORLDEnterprise WordPress Platform Refactoring – 2023 Advanced APIEnterprise WordPressCustom PHP DevelopmentResponsive DesignBUSINESS GOALS ORTHOWORLD is a publishing company offering specialized educational content and advertising exclusively to orthopedic executives and their teams. ORTHOWORLD has been a long-standing client of OPG and they turned to OPG when they identified a need for the refactoring of their existing…


BUTLER SUPPLYMagento E-Commerce UI Redesign & Functionality Improvements – 2020 Advanced API Custom PHP Development UI/UX Interface RedesignBUSINESS GOALS Butler Supply sought OPG’s help with improving their Magento e-commerce platform performance, UI/UX experience and dramatically expanding the tools available to customers in their account portal. The needs focused on a partial upgrade of the platform…


SLEEP ANALYSIS PROGRAMSleep Assist iOS and Android Mobile Application and Data Reporting Platform Upgrade – 2020 iOS & Android Native DevelopmentMobile & Web UI/UXAdvanced APIBUSINESS GOALS The Top-Secret client of OPG identified a need for a native mobile application, built-in iOS, and Android, to support the expansion of its existing Web-based sleep assessment and assistance…


LEWIS PHARMACEUTICAL INFORMATIONCompleted in June 2020 Advanced API Custom PHP Development UI/UX Content MigrationBUSINESS GOALS Lewis Pharmaceutical Information (LPI) approached OPG with the request to rebuild a previously designed Pharmacy Advisor program. The previous platform was developed in traditional Windows software with a Microsoft SQL server database. The program analyzes drug combinations to detect and…


HAMPTON JITNEYDay-to-Day Trip Management and Fare Collection for State of the Art iOS App – 2016 iOS Native DevelopmentiPad, User experienceAdvanced APIUser InterfaceBUSINESS GOALS Hampton Jitney had a need to develop a mobile application and companion web application to replace their current legacy handheld device application used by their operational staff aboard their buses.  The…