How Did Predictions About Computers Hold Up?

Predicting the future is a daunting task. Even the most studied and knowledgeable minds are making a “best guess” in most instances. Many predications range from a Utopia to Apocalypse to everything in-between awaiting us. While predicting the future is necessary for preparation and planning – on a personal scale to World-wide implications – often…

The New Gem

Technology is constantly changing, out with the old and in with the new. Some of these technologies are so new, professional web developers have never even heard of them. But one new technology has been named dropped at job fairs, in the college classroom, and even HBO’s Silicon Valley; Ruby on Rails is the hot…

Be an All Around Developer

Years ago web developers were able to get by specializing in one coding language, but today’s web developer needs to be a full stack developer. That is, they need to be flexible and comfortable in numerous languages, including the structure of HTML, style of CSS, functionality of Javascript and PHP, and possibly converting Photoshop or…

Should it Do That?

Over the years website needs have steadily evolved. What once was thought for large companies only has now become a commonplace for the “Average Joe” startup. With more moving parts on a website the question that arises for the “Average Joe” is, “Should it do that?” The answer more than likely is no if you…

Cross Browser/Mobile Testing

Let me start by saying that my background was primarily focused on the hospitality industry and not the software technical industry.  I have somehow evolved into this new world of ours.  A world that is so technically driven that it is hard to keep up with.  How many of us spend thousands of dollars on…

Why Should I Pay for That?

When it comes to having to pay for professional web design, many people are likely thinking to themselves “Why should I pay for that?  I have eyes.  I have taste.  I know what looks good.”  In all honesty, a few years ago I probably would have been thinking the same thing had I found myself…

What is Project Spartan and Does It Even Matter?

When you hear the word “Spartan” you undoubtedly think of fierce warriors facing impossible odds against the Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae. You think of a time when battles were won and lost by the blade of a sword. You think of the movie 300 and start to wonder if it’s streaming on Netflix…